"Paris is always a good idea" - Audrey Hepburn

Monday 17 October 2011

Tres Bad Souris

So, I am ACTUALLY IN PARIS.  But I've been so excited (read, tired from running around after children) that I haven't posted a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g  :(

Anyway it is even better then I thought it would be.  I've been here since Saturday 8th and my French is horrific.  I mean, I knew it was bad but it is really, really terrible.  I've joined a language school and I am in the beginners class.  So thanks a bunch, GCSE Grade B in French, you have served me SO frikkin' well!  But other than that I've met some really lovely girls and the two girls I'm looking after are really sweet :)  I basically help the younger girl do her homework and then get to play Polly Pocket with her.  It's like Corrie...on Saturday I went to school in a slutty dress and trainers and then today my Mum got married.  AND I get to ride to school on a Zhu Zhu Hamster.

On Saturday night I met up with some other au-pairs and went out dancing; we ended up drinking by the Seine and then eating Tapas at 4 in the morning and I didn't get in until about 6am.  I must at some point thank my ex-flatmate and favourite American for giving me Pride and Prejudice on DVD as a leaving present because I spent almost all of Sunday lying in bed, eating pasta and watching it.  I did, however raise myself out of bed at about 2:30pm and go to visit the Eiffel Tower which I had never seen before, then I walked home through the Champs Ellysees and window shopped at Kenzo and Louis Vuitton.

Trying to get into Louis Vuitton on the Champs Ellysees is like trying to get into a NIGHT CLUB.  There was literally a velvet rope and a bouncer, letting people in and out.  I thought about joining the queue but it was full of Japanese tourists and I was still tres tired and a bit hungover so I just peered in the windows.  I also stared in at Jean Paul Gaultier and it was all closed so I was going to take some pictures but there was a Random Man staring at me looking like he might shout in French if I did so I chickened out.  The clothes are so beautiful; I will never be happy unless at some point in my life I procure the kind of money needed to shop in Gaultier and not feel guilty afterwards.  At the moment I'm not even letting myself near the Naf Naf down the road from me because I KNOW it will end in my eating plain Quinoa for the next two weeks and I just can't handle any more Quinoa.

BTW can someone please answer me this:
Why, why WHY were there a MILLION tourists trying to take pictures of themselves outside the Nespresso shop in the Champs Ellysees?????  Come on!!  You're PARIS and you're excited about frikkin' NESPRESSO??!!

Anyway, I get paid tomorrow (hurrah!)  so I think I'm going to be very French and eat my breakfast in the Cafe at the end of my street.  I have no idea what it's like but it's pink and is also a Patisserie so it's winning with me so far, especially now I have finally worked out how to order coffee which is not an espresso.  You have to ask for "cafe a'longue" which is basically an Americano.  If you just ask for "cafe" you will get an espresso.  And I like espressos but they are hard to drink slowly!

Anyway, I realise this has been a rubbish, disjointed blog but I am very, very tired and I really only wrote it so that I'd stop feeling guilty.  Tomorrow I will write a very good blog on a set topic.  Promise.

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