"Paris is always a good idea" - Audrey Hepburn

Thursday 1 March 2012

Nina Ricci

So Nina Ricci was the final show I went to today and something so exciting happened that I had to give it a separate post....

I GOT INTO THE SHOW :D  I couldn't believe it!  I was outside, taking photos and generally mooching near the bouncers when, just before the show started, they said "Oh well if you want to get into the press queue, perhaps you'll get into standing."  So I RAN in my ridiculous stilettos across to the press area (along with about 20 other people who'd heard him!) and pushed my way to the front of the queue.  I KNEW that all the time I spent pushing to the front at gigs would be useful one day!  I actually only took two photos from inside the show because I was completely on Cloud Nine about being there and I didn't want to be distracted by anything.  Especially since I completely love Nina Ricci!  Anyway, the show was the most divine and fabulous thing I have ever experienced in my life.  Honestly, I think I must have had the most stupid, goofy smile on my face through it all but I don't care :)  I had such a good view and the clothes were so beautiful, it was just the perfect end to my day!

Outside the show was great for taking photos, since after entering the Jardin Des Tuileries the guests has to walk about 400m down a lit, white pathway.  So obviously it was completely jammed with photographers as you got to see absolutely everyone who arrived.

I'm not usually a fan of matching handbags and shoes but I really thought that it worked here.  Maybe it's because they're both such an unusual colour...it looked really quirky, rather than being matchy matchy!

I also liked the fact that you can only see the browns of the fur coat against the bright colours of her accessories.  It's so simple but it works so well.

I thought this was great.  Angelica Cheung, one of the most powerful women in fashion, and she just stood there having a giggle while I took my picture.

I thought Angelica's coat was great, she'd been wearing it all day (I photographed her at Balmain, too) and although it's not boring it's definitely a hard-working piece.

I know it's not a great quality picture but I'm a sucker for anything 80s throwback, which this definitely is!

Loved the clashing jumper with the skirt, although I thought the clutch was taking it all a leeeetle bit too far!  It made it look like she'd just borrowed a bag off a mate on the way...

Again not a great quality picture, but it's GRACE!!  I was so upset not to photograph her at Balmain and this + getting into the show completely made up for it!

And finally...


Just to prove I was actually there!!  Haha :)  I only took these two because, like I said, I was completely off in my own little bubble and I didn't want to miss out on anything!

So now I can barely keep my eyes open, all of my limbs ache and I absolutely HAVE to go to sleep, immediately!  I've got a really full day tomorrow so I'll so another post in the evening :)

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