"Paris is always a good idea" - Audrey Hepburn

Friday 16 September 2011

Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God

I handed in my notice at work today :O  Everyone at my main job was really nice and looked all sad at me when I told them I was running away to Paris.  And they're letting me use my last week of holiday to shorten my notice period instead of being paid for it which is goood :)
I've handed in my notice for job number two as well, that's still supposed to be a month but I'm going to have to swing it so it's less because I said I could travel to Paris on the 8th October if they needed me to...


So it looks like I'm actually doing this... I only applied on a whim because I'd had a crap day at work.  Hahahahaha.  If I wasn't me then I would be laughing at myself so hard right now and saying things like "Ohhhh, you twat. What have you let yourself in for!?".  But Leanne's saying all these things for me anyway so I'm not missing out.

I'm PROBABLY staying with a family in the centre of Paris.  They have two little girls who are 6 and 10 and I'll have my own little apartment and internet things.  I say probably because their current Au Pair is really keen to leave so they're pretty desperate and don't know if they can wait three weeks for me to get out there.  But Nice French Agency Lady said that even if they can't wait for me she'll find me another family really quickly so it won't matter that I've handed my notice in etc already.

The children aren't going to speak English.

And I am not going to know where they go to school.

And I have to take them every morning.

They are going to trick me into taking them to Disneyland and I won't even know until Goofy is calling me a twat and laughing.

I am going to be mauled by a rabid baguette in a beret and die, alone, in Paris.

Real French people will shake their heads and walk away, looking solemn.

Nice French Agency Lady said she'd get hold of me as soon as she knew what was going on.  That was this morning and she hasn't yet which means I am going to be in this state ALL WEEKEND.  I'm going to drive my friends, family and hairdresser mad.

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