"Paris is always a good idea" - Audrey Hepburn

Saturday 3 September 2011

Reasons Why I Need To Leave Penryn

1) There is a human poo at the top of my Mum's alleyway.  My Mum's house is in a 150m square nice area of Penryn.  It is surrounded by drongo pubs and council estates.  I know it was a human poo because the poo-er had used a sunglasses case to wipe their bottom afterwards.

2) I've started getting angry at the students for being 'foreign'.  Well not really, actually I get annoyed at the students because they are pretentious and annoying and wear stupid clothes and push you in Remedies when you're dancing.  But they're as good a reason as any to leave since they make up about 70% of the under 25s in Penryn.

3) I'm becoming an angry NHS worker.  I tut at young people who don't say "thank you" to me and am getting VERY. GOOD. AT. SHOUTING. SLOWLY. AT. GRANNIES.

4) My grandparents were really pleased when I got my receptionist job because they think it has "good career prospects".

5) This is absolutely and definitely the only time in my life when I will be able to say "Fuck it, I'm moving to Paris!" and be able to get everything sorted in exactly 1 month (this is the notice period on my flat/job/other job).

6) The bar staff in Mango Tango now know my name.

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