"Paris is always a good idea" - Audrey Hepburn

Saturday 3 September 2011

Senile Puppy Nursemaid

I had plans for this weekend; honestly I did.  I was going to visit my pony, go for a nice long run, learn some French, and recover from the enormous hangover I planned on getting last night.
I'm currently sat in my Mum's house, watching the Athletics and TRYING to make sure that my deaf, partially blind, senile, 14 year old Springer Spaniel doesn't have any "little accidents" on the living room carpet.  So far I've got him outside almost every time.  I've also eaten half a share size bar of Fruit and Nut.
My Dad lost the sight in his left eye on Thursday night.  On Friday he started to think that maybe he should go to Casualty; they took his blood pressure (about 5,000,000,000/3,000,000 in case you're interested) and are now refusing to let him out of hospital until at least Monday.  So, being the *ahem* lovely daughter that I am, I've had to move back to my Mum's house while she gallivants around Gay Paree because the Senile Puppy is too senile to manage the stairs up to my flat and he can't be left by himself for more than three hours at a time (and that's if you're pushing it and prepared to do some cleaning when you get home).

And do you know what she has to eat in her house? Five Ryvita, a box of Special K, some hotdog mustard and a pot of garlic paste.  However she does have two bottles of whisky, one bottle of Kahlua, some tequila, a bottle of red wine, christmas sherry, Noily Prat martini stuff and her FREEZER contains only a bottle of gin and some Grey Goose vodka.  Bad, alcoholic Mother.

I've also been geeking out slightly reading another Paris Au Pair blog, Left Bank Manc which made me decide to start a blog.  Since I never have anything to do and will have even less to do once I'm in a country where I only know one person and don't speak the language.  Unless I get to meet Christoph Le Maitre who I am convinced is my One True Love.  If we had babies they would be very, very fast.
The Senile Puppy is giving me a funny look.. Either he's doubting mine and Christoph's love or he needs letting out again...

1 comment:

  1. Of course my fridge was empty...I was on holiday and, if I had left ANY food AT ALL you would have EATEN it!
