"Paris is always a good idea" - Audrey Hepburn

Saturday 10 September 2011


I have Major Fear right now.  And the fear is this: I don't just have a hangover; I have, in fact, caught the boyfriend's tummy bug.
I could, of course, just have a hangover.  I drank quite a lot last night and this morning the only thing I wanted to eat was chip shop cheesy chips with loads of ketchup and mayonaise on them.  So I did.  And then I ate a Krispy Kreme doughnut.  But then later me and Chris went into town because Chris hasn't been able to get more then ten feet away from the toilet for three days and one of the shops has started selling american sweets and Lucky Charms and Pop Tarts and things, so we spent £15 on Pop Tarts, Lucky Charms and two cans of Vanilla Coke.  I don't know if it was just too much excitement for me or something but the Coke was really hurting my stomach, like so much that I had to stop and sit down because I couldn't even keep walking.  And then I was supposed to go to ASDA and buy a toaster because me and Leanne don't have one in the flat so we can't eat the Pop Tarts even though I've bought them but I even felt to ill to do that, I just went to sleep until I had to leave for work at 6:30.

Now I'm at work and I actually feel like I might DIE.  I'm all floaty and funny :(  And I've just started sneezing and shivering as well.  Blegh.

I work in a hospital and it's visiting time at the moment and just now the parents of this girl I went to school with walked past.  I completely HATE this girl.  She is actually the devil incarnate.  No joke.  Erm, I'm trying to think of a specific example of this but I can't because SHE WAS NEVER NICE THE WHOLE TIME I WAS AT SCHOOL WITH HER NOT EVEN ONCE.  I know that they recognise me and I really hope they don't try to talk to me on the way out because in my current, reduced mental state I think I might just yell "YOUR DAUGHTER IS THE DEVIL INCARNATE PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

Maybe if I seem really engrossed in typing/reading 'Harry Potter A L'ecole Des Sorciers' when they walk back then they won't even notice me. 

By the way.  I'm reading Harry Potter in French.  It's a desperate attempt to improve my French to 'adequate', which is what I claimed it was on my application form, but I think I'm going to write about why it's suddenly so important to speak French adequately in a different post because this one is bitty and ridiculous.  But I can't help that because I am a Very Poorly Person.

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